"Our suffering can be utilized as a golden gateway - to a journey of connection and living life to the fullest." -Jani
I feel blessed to live out my life calling and my passion in life - to support and assist others in finding balance, inner peace and joy within themselves. I had the honour and privilege to take part in wonderful soul journeys over the past twelve years, assisting clients and sometimes their pets and loved ones in removing blockages and illusions of fear and separation, that create physical and emotional symptoms.
Healing is a form of art, one that embraces the totality of life.
By listening with openness and awareness to every aspect of a client's being, enables a deep connection with an innate Intelligence - a powerful, dynamic force that can bring about radical healing and transformation . It is a serenely beautiful and magical process when guided by a client's inner wisdom and inherent healing power.
Life is endlessly creative and unlimited in its creative expression..
I offer a wide range of gentle, non-manipulative therapy modalities like constellations (family, systemic, new and nature constellations), visionary craniosacral therapy, kinesiology, systemic and trauma counselling. Every session is unique and addresses that which needs to be transformed at a given time. to heal, transform and empower by revealing the hidden causes and/or messages behind recurring patterns and physical & emotional symptoms. This can range from a gentle balancing and removing of energy blockages, reprogramming of negative belief systems to healing of deep-seated emotional wounds and releasing of personal or inter-generational trauma. With compassion and empathy, I intuitively guide clients into delving deeper - to uncover hidden patterns and obstacles that stand in the way of living life fully and freely.
Distant (remote) healing sessions and in-person sessions are both offered. Also available are sessions via the online platforms Zoom or WhatsApp. You are also welcome to join online constellation circles, meditations and other events. To be notified of upcoming events and offers on your phone, you can click here to be added to Jani's WhatsApp broadcast list.
How I came to be a therapist:
Life always tries, again and again, to bring unresolved wounds/traumas to our awareness - either through physical symptoms, or through repetitive unpleasant patterns in life. Having suffered trauma and abuse in my childhood, and after that, in unhealthy relationships, I suffered from chronic fatigue, leaky gut and hormonal imbalances - all symptoms of unresolved complex trauma/PTSD. This eventually culminated in severe burnout. Newly returned from Germany, where I studied naturopathy, craniosacral therapy for babies & newborns, Dorn spinal alignment and kinesiology, my burnout of 10 years hit an all-time low in 2011. As I couldn’t work (I was a pharmacist back then), my finances took a huge dip and I couldn’t afford medical treatment or alternative therapy. I knew how to apply kinesiology to heal emotional wounds and the physical and emotional progress I made with treating core wounds, gave me much needed hope and encouragement for my healing journey.
I came to realize that my life story could be seen as a blessing and a gift, instead of a burden or unfair. This was deeply empowering, as I could let go of thinking there’s something wrong with me and my past, and rather embrace the idea that it's all part of a bigger, divine, perfect plan - that fitted right in with my passion for the healing arts! The experiences from my past and my ensuing healing journey helped me to develop tenacity and a practical approach towards healing. It taught me to be non-judgmental and hold a compassionate space for healing to occur. Being empathic and sensitive, I am blessed with a natural intuition, which my challenging past enhanced. Over the years, I used my pendulum less and started to rely more on my intuition during healing sessions.
"By delving deeper into any difficulties in life, one gets to see them as the gifts they are - gateways to deeper connection, inner peace and belonging!"
B.Pharmaciae : North-West University, South Africa
B.Sc Microbiology : University of South Africa
Craniosacral therapy I&II : Upledger Institute, United Kingdom
Craniosacral therapy for Children & Newborns : Upledger Institute, Germany
Dorn & Breuss spinal alignment (advanced training) : DORN Method Foundation South Africa
Touch for Health I&II : Reichold Institute, Germany
Holistic Medical Kinesiology : Reichold Institute, Germany
Reiki I,II & Master : Jutta Dobler, Namibia
"Presence in Love" Trauma Counselling: Turiya Hanover
Dip.Herbology : SA College of Natural Medicine
Cranial Osteopathic Concepts : Dr Amos Heller, UK
Visceral Manipulation I : Barral Institute USA
Family Constellations and Systemic Solutions in the field of Health and Illness - Stephan Hausner
Systemic Constellations with 'free elements' - Monika von Wietersheim
New Perspectives, systemic constellations - Monika von Wietersheim
Systemic counselling and constellation work - Heribert Doeringmeijer
Systemic Ritual: The Wheel of Well-being - Aleksandra Shymina
Shamanic healing - Werner Gertz and Inge-Kuruna Mausberg
The Mystical Principles of Healing - Thomas Hübl
Advanced Mystical Principles for Healers - Thomas Hübl
Nutritional therapy: Akademie für Ganzheitsmedizin, Heidelberg, Germany
Ausleitverfahren: Akademie für Ganzheitsmedizin, Heidelberg, Germany
Naturopathy: Akademie für Ganzheitsmedizin, Heidelberg, Germany
New ventures in healing
The demand for healing and support has increased exponentially over the past years, and in my practice it called for a solution, as the waiting lists were extending into months. Clients were desperate, and I could only offer so many sessions in a day and a week. The answer came a few years ago, when I started to offer distant healing sessions. These are done by intuitively tuning in to clients’ energy system (in the same as when a clients is present with me). I then write down the feedback, and send it to them via email or a WhatsApp message. After a few years of this, it extended into Group healing sessions. For these, I am inspired by a certain theme, which I communicate to my clients via my Newsletter. With a list of participants, I tune in with their energies, and act as an open channel for Divine healing and transformation. Afterwards I send the feedback via email (and keeping the participants' identities private). The healing power in a group is always exponentially amplified.
"Self-transformation is not just about changing yourself. It means shifting yourself to a completely new dimension of experience and perception." - Jaggi Vasudev
INDEMNITY AND DISCLAIMER: In requesting distant healing sessions (or partaking in a retreat) for myself or others I am aware and declare that I accordingly indemnify the practitioner from any harm, loss or damages of any nature, whether bodily harm, side-effects, trauma or any other damages resulting from the treatment or advice given, whether directly or indirectly to my person, or the person/s, property or animals I requested sessions for. Treatments and retreats are not intended as substitutes for advice for therapy provided by medical practitioners or psychologists. Treatments and retreats are not intended to be diagnostic or therapeutic of any physical health or psychiatric or psychological issues/problems. No claim or opinion is intended to be, nor should be construed to be, medical advice. If you are taking any drugs/medication (prescribed or not), or have a medical condition, please consult a medical practitioner, who has knowledge of body/mind/soul interactions before taking any advice or partake in distant healing sessions or retreats.