Kinesiology is a comprehensive systematic method of analyzing the body, its various functions, and the flow of energy through it. In Oriental Medicine this energy is called Chi. Kinesiology uses muscle testing as a way of assessing the flow of energy through the acupressure meridians and the various body systems. Once an imbalance is identified, the best methods of correcting the imbalance, specific for that unique individual, is also identified and then used to restore balance. These methods are non-invasive, simple and highly effective.
Holistic Kinesiology combines different healing methods/disciplines i.e. emotional stress release, meridian therapy, acupressure, colour therapy, reflex zone therapy & others. Muscle tests serve as a biofeedback mechanism, which not only identifies the cause of illness/distress, but also shows which treatment would be the most beneficial. Kinesiology also supports brain development and learning ability through enhancing communication between the brain hemispheres. Releasment of unconscious emotional conflicts (that could later lead to physical ailments) is another option of therapy, being called Psycho-Kinesiology.
Psycho-kinesiology could be applied on a wide range of emotional issues and blockages, ranging from anxiety and depression to intense childhood traumas like physical abuse. Emotional traumas (which could be something ‘trivial’, like a pre-school friend leaving to another town, or ending the friendship), could leave scars on the psyche which influence all future relationships, without us even being aware of the root cause. For instance, the above trauma could cause one to feel overly sensitive in certain situations, especially in close friendships or romantic relationships. As we are usually unaware that we have certain fears or emotional blockages, psycho-kinesiology is a great tool to uncover and treat hidden traumas. (Some of my clients are using it as a tool in helping them on a journey of self-discovery, to enhance well-being and to improve their life and relationships in general)
Therapy consists of finding the emotion of concern, and then finding the age of the original ‘trauma’ when it was embedded in the psyche. Treatment incorporates colour therapy, elements of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), tapping of acupressure points, and eye movements. This reprograms the mind to form new neural pathways that in effect removes the impact that the original trauma has on one’s life. Relief of even severe physical symptoms is often experienced when these emotional blockages/issues have been removed. All physical pains and discomforts are in fact caused by emotional issues or thought patterns based in fear!
Traumas with the biggest impacts are usually embedded into our systems at a very young age (between birth and 10years). It could happen in even the safest, most loving environments, i.e. on the first school day, having been dropped by your parents, could leave a fear of abandonment. Or having grown up as a younger sibling, could make you always feel slightly inferior, or having a very strict/disapproving parent could leave you prone to emotionally abusive relationships later in life. Various factors could lead to emotional over-eating, and/or being overweight, i.e. fear, need for protection, insecurity, self-rejection and seeking fulfillment. In this case, the new thought pattern that would be programmed into the mind would be (depending on the individual root cause): "I am at peace with my own feelings. I am always safe and secure. I create my own security. I love and approve of myself and my body. I am protected by Divine Love."
It is proposed that emotional issues/thought patterns are the underlying cause of all illness/pain - interesting reading material on this subject are found in books like Heal your Body by Louise Hay, and Messages from the Body by Michael J.Lincoln, and Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Dr. Christiane Northrup. I often incorporate some of the concepts of these and other like-minded authors in sessions, with good results.