Craniosacral Therapy has a very high success rate and benefits can come in a variety of ways:
Increased sense of relaxation
Improvement of the symptoms you came to see the practitioner about.
Improvement of other symptoms. For example, someone coming for treatment for a back problem can find that, as well as their back pain easing, the migraines they have had for years have got better too
Change in behaviour patterns, leading to an improvement in relationships with friends, family, colleagues, etc.
Greater capacity to manage life in general
Reduced stress
Improvement of psychological issues
Reduction of effects of past trauma
Improved sense of well-being
- What does a treatment feel like? Most people find craniosacral sessions pleasant and relaxing. People often describe it feeling as if they have "had their batteries recharged". Sometimes tingling or numbing sensations may be experienced. Momentary pain related to past events may also occur. When this settles the net result is one of feeling better. People often feel as if things are reorganizing inside them or as if a weight has been lifted from their shoulders.
- What does a session involve? The client usually lies (or sometimes sits) fully-clothed on a comfortable treatment bed. The therapist makes contact by placing their hands lightly on the client's body and tuning in to what is happening by ‘listening’ with their hands at different positions on the body.
- How many sessions will I need? The number of sessions required depends on the condition being treated. Acute injury and disease states can benefit enormously from 3 - 6 sessions; with chronic disease or severe injury, it is usually necessary to have more sessions in order to deal with symptoms directly.
- Are there any conditions for which CST should not be used? There are certain situations where CST are not recommended. These include conditions where a variation and/or slight increase in intra-cranial pressure would cause instability. Acute aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage (bleeding) and acute fractures of the skull, sacral bone or vertebrae are conditions that could be affected by small intra-cranial pressure changes.
- Will treatments be of any benefit if I have no particular symptoms? Most people find that craniosacral therapy helps them feel better and enjoy life more. Their energy levels improve and they are able to deal with everyday stress more positively. People often find it easier to fight off minor infections, and regular treatments may help prevent more serious conditions from developing in the future.
- What is an Energy Cyst? The model for energy cysts proposes that forces working in on a body (chemical, physical or psychological) - are being processed in two ways: 1. The body is not overwhelmed by the situation and immediately begins to dissolve the energy. With that the natural healing process are begun. 2. The forces are being seen as threatening and the situation overwhelms the body. The energy are being capsuled off by the body, and not dissolved. The normal body energies takes a detour past these cysts, which are obstructing/hindering the normal energetic body function, and ‘bothers’ the tissue in which it is imbedded in, causing more and more problems as time passes. The most important factor in causing energy cysts, is the emotional state the person find him/herself in at the time of the ‘accident’. Negative emotions like anger, stress, hopelessness or loneliness at the time of the traumatic occurence, are also stored in the energy cyst, and could be released during therapy, thereby normalizing functional disturbances/interferences and lessening the symptoms that accompany them.
- What is meant by the treatment of an Energy Cyst? At the onset of a treatment, the therapist will detect any existing energy cysts or "blockages" in the system. This region will then be mobilized with light pulling and pushing forces, or relaxed with positioning techniques, while the therapist directs energy into the energy cyst/s. When the craniosacral rhythm suddenly stops during such a treatment technique, it is a sign that something of great significance is happening within the patient. The therapist will stay in this position for a while, trying to let the energy cyst dissolve. If the energy cyst dissolves, the therapist will sense the dissolving of traumatic energy that was trapped in the tissue, and the craniosacral rhythm will resume again.
- How does Reiki work? Reiki is a Japanese name consisting of 2 words: Rei and Ki meaning Life Energy (or Universal Life Energy), an energy which animates us all and is found all around us. The energy is channeled through the practitioner to the recipient. Life force/energy nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. When this flow of energy is disrupted, it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues of the body. The life force becomes disrupted when we accept, either consciously or unconsciously, negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves or our environment. These negative thoughts attach themselves to the energy field and cause a disruption in the flow of life force. This diminishes the vital function of the organs and cells of the body. Reiki heals by flowing energy through the affected parts of the energy field and charging it with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body, allowing the energy to flow in a healthy and natural way. - Is Reiki a form of faith healing? Reiki is not part of any religion, nor is it based on the acceptance of any religious doctrine. However, Reiki's principles are spiritual in nature and do encourage spiritual empowerment and growth.
- What will I experience during a Reiki session? It depends on the individual. You might not feel anything, but this does not mean that Reiki is not working. Common sensations during or after the treatment are: heat, cold, tingling, buzzing, relaxation, sleepiness, or other. It may happen also that the symptoms worsen after the treatment, but just for a short period of time, after which you will feel wonderful. It is important to drink lots of water to aid the cleansing of the body.
- Can Reiki be used in combination with other therapies? It can be combined with other complementary therapies very successfully. Reiki will enhance their effects. It can also be used to complement the health care received in hospitals or from other health care providers.
- What are the five principles of Reiki? The Reiki principles were set forth by Mikao Usui as he developed Usui Reiki in the early 20th century. Originally written as a poem by Emperor Meiji (1868-1912) and adapted by Mikao Usui, they were "The art of inviting happiness through many blessings. The spiritual medicine for all illness."
They offer a simple guideline for daily conduct with others and self. They are:
Just for today, I will let go of anger
Just for today, I will let go of worry
Just for today, I will be filled with gratitude for my many blessings
Just for today, I will devote myself to my work and also work hard on myself
Just for today, I will show compassion to every living thing
- How does Kinesiology work? Oriental Medicine believes that we are constantly shifting our various energies to adapt to the stressors of life to keep ourselves alive and functioning at our best. When that process is impaired for any reason, the flow of Chi/ life force is disrupted, and our ability to cope and survive is impaired, leading to illness.
- How will Kinesiology treat my problem? Kinesiology does not treat the symptoms or signs of named diseases. Instead kinesiologists look at the whole person, in terms of the entire being. If there is a problem in any area it can lead to Chi being blocked or misdirected. Kinesiology focuses on helping to remove the energy blocks and to restore and improve the positive flow of energy. It concentrates on getting the body back in balance. Many symptoms are resolved in this manner, allowing the body to function at its best and to heal itself.
- What can I expect after a session? Significant change can take place after just one session. At least three sessions are recommended; this can result in profound change, as the further sessions will ensure that these changes are anchored in your body. You may feel much calmer and able to look at situations in your life in a different light. You may find that you don’t automatically respond to a person or situation in the same way as usual.
Frequently Asked Questions - Distant Sessions
How and when will I be notified of sessions and their content? Sessions are being performed as the issues arise, with the intention that the sessionwork will arrive at a time most appropriate for the recipient. The description of the session, and any additional information, will be emailed or sent via whatsapp as soon as the session has been done.
Is 'silent gifting' of distant sessions to a friend or family member possible, and ethical? No authorization is needed to pray for loved one's health or issues.. If there is a sincere inner feeling to pray (or request sessions) for anybody, your heart should be followed. Healing, or the resolvement of issues, are always subject to divine will and timing. All the above also apply to distant healing sessions, as it is also a channel of Godly/divine love and healing energy.
What can I expect during and after a session? Experiences are highly individual, and different from session to session. Mostly, recipients experience a sense of lightness and relief, and a deep feeling of inner peace and stillness. Tiredness or slight dizziness could also be experienced, as the treated emotional baggage is moving outwards. It is recommended to drink lots of water, breathe deeply, and if symptoms are severe, to take supplements like chlorella, which aid in absorbing released toxins. Supportive therapies, like massage, lymph drainage, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, reiki are highly advisable.
How often can I have sessions? As often as you feel you need them. Generally I recommend more sessions in the beginning, decreasing the frequency as the symptoms get less. Usually one session per week is recommended, in order to give the system time to process and integrate the changes. The group healing sessions are especially powerful, and might be too much to handle for the system, if done more than once a week. It differs from person to person and from issue to issue though. With deeper issues, the system needs longer to process the changes.
Is it possible that the same emotional issue get treated more than once? Yes, it sometimes needs more than one session, to address different layers of the same issue.
How many sessions are needed per month? And for how long? This is a very individual and personal choice. A minimum of three sessions are recommended. Long-standing problems generally need more sessions for resolution.